How soon will I get my results?
The absolute maximum for Paper Based Exams is currently 9 weeks, but results are often published before this maximum time.
When must I look into registering for any exam with GR801?
The absolute deadline for Paper Based Exams is currently 8 weeks.
Can any individual register for a Cambridge exams through GR801?
Yes! All you need to do is find a QLS school that participates in the exams in the period of interest to you, or contact Michael Anetopoulos, the GR801 CEM.
Can any school organise exams through GR801?
Yes! All you need to do is contact the GR801 CEM, Mr Michael Anetopoulos, or the QLS office.
Does GR801 offer CB (computer based) Exams?
Yes! We offer CPE (Proficiency), CAE (Advanced), First for Schools, Preliminary For Schools, Key for Schools on computer.
What exams does GR801 offer?
We offer CPE (Proficiency), CAE (Advanced), First for Schools, Preliminary For Schools, Key for Schools and YLE (Starters, Movers and Flyers).