If you are one of the candidates already registered to participate in one of the examinations due to run soon, you may use this link to log into the QLS Exams CLUB area, where you will find your exam support kit with practice tests, advice and other goodies that will help you along the way to the exam. Your QLS school will provide you with the necessary access codes.
If you are a private candidate and you are interested in sitting a Cambridge examination with us, please contact the QLS main office in Athens on 210 692 9463 or at qls@qls.gr.
We will respond and let you know of your nearest venue and the dates available. If the venue and dates are suitable, we will also provide you with information on how to register and you will be welcome to join us.
Useful materials for Candidates
Free online placement test
FAQ of candidates
Students often ask whether they should write in pen or pencil. Here is the answer
- All YLE exams are written in pencil (preferably soft B or HB type). YLE candidates must also ensure that they have a set of coloured pencils to use for one of the listening tasks.
- For the KEY (KET) exams the candidates should be using only soft B or HB type pencil for all their papers.
- For the PRELIMINARY (PET), the FIRST (FCE), the ADVANCED (CAE) and the PROFICIENCY (CPE) exams the candidates should be using soft B or HB type pencil for all their papers apart from the WRITING paper, for which they should use either dark BLUE or BLACK pen.
The answer is that “Cambridge would never penalise candidates for such little mistakes”. However, the use of the wrong writing medium may well make the marking process difficult and could accidentally lead to the student being disadvantaged.
Often we are asked about the use of correction fluid (Blanco). Please remember that Cambridge do not allow the use of correction fluid, correction tape or erasable ink for any part of the exam.
If you make a mistake while using PEN (i.e. in a Writing paper), you should just draw a line over the mistake (irrespective of the size) and rewrite the wrong word, or phrase or even section. Cambridge guarantee that you will not be in any way penalised for such corrections.
This is why it is advisable that candidates bring along a small size ruler, which they could use to draw nice, presentable crossing-out lines in case of mistakes.
Only during WRITING will you be given a sheet (or more if needed) of rough paper, on which you can draft the outlines of your composition.
Be careful, because you are not meant to write the whole task on the rough paper and then copy it on your Answer Booklet. This is not advisable, as it could make it difficult for you to complete the task within the allocated time.
If you still insist on doing it, although you understand the risk involved in this approach, please ensure that you allow plenty of time for copying in the Answer Booklet before your time expires. You are also advised practice doing this, before the exams in timed conditions on more than one occasions.
Remember also that apart from the above-mentioned pencils as well as pens and ruler (for certain exams), you should bring along a sharpener and a rubber.
For all UMS and LMS exams make sure that you bring your ID card or other form of identification, and the Confirmation of Entry (CoE) document, which you will get from your school.
Finally, please note that you are allowed to have a small clear bottle of water on your desk for drinking during the exam. You will be asked to remove the any labels from it
Apart from the above you should avoid bringing any other items, foodstuff and drinks, as they are likely to be taken of you before you enter the exam room.
However, candidates suffering from conditions, such as diabetes, that may necessitate sudden intake of certain food (sugar) or other medication, will need to inform their supervisors and they will be allowed to bring in the classroom these additional items.
Please be aware that you are not allowed to have mobile phones, other electronic devices and any type of wristwatch during the exam.
If you bring any of these items with you, you will have to hand them in at the reception and you will only be able to get them back at the end of the examination.
Most of our students don’t even thing of copying from somebody else. There are, however, cases when candidates may feel more comfortable to rely on someone else’s answers and they attempt to copy.
We advise our candidates avoid this kind of activity, because even if they are not caught in the act by our well-trained invigilators, Cambridge have a highly sophisticated system that compares the answers of the candidates and spots with very high accuracy all case of copying from one another.